★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Rules of Thumb--Truths For Winning At Business Without Losing Your Self, by Alan M. Webber — $15.73 (Save 1%!)
We live in a world of dramatic and unpredictable change that is wiping out time-honored businesses and long-standing institutions while ushering in unprecedented opportunities for creative individuals and entrepreneurial organizations. The job is no longer figuring out how to win at the game of work and life; the job is figuring out the new rules of the game. Alan M. Webber's Rules of Thumb is a guide for individuals in every walk of life who want to make sense out of these confusing, challenging, and compelling times. If you're...
We live in a world of dramatic and unpredictable change that is wiping out time-honored businesses and long-standing institutions while ushering in unprecedented opportunities for creative individuals and entrepreneurial organizations. The job is no longer figuring out how to win at the game of work and life; the job is figuring out the new rules of the game. Alan M. Webber's Rules of Thumb is a guide for individuals in every walk of life who want to make sense out of these confusing, challenging, and compelling times. If you're looking for practical advice on how to win at work without losing your self, if you want to change your life to meet the challenge of change, or if you want to learn from some of the world's most interesting and creative people, let Alan M. Webber take you on a remarkable journey toward greater personal understanding and, ultimately, greater personal success. About the Author:Alan M. Webber is the cofounding editor of Fast Company, and was the editorial director and managing editor of the Harvard Business Review. He's worked in federal, state, and local government, writing speeches and focusing on innovative policy initiatives. He's married to Frances Diemoz, an architect and furniture maker; his son and daughter, Adam and Amanda, are his two favorite children in the world.
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15.73 USD InStock
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Hablando de Fake News !

Los Fake News, terminología que proviene del idioma inglés y que traducida equivale a Noticias Falsas, es una muestra y variante que ha tomado auge tanto en Venezuela como en el mundo globalizado. Así las cosas, nos encontramos a diario con este tipo de informaciones en formato de prensa, radio, televisión y redes sociales en general.

¿Ahora bien, y nos preguntamos, el por qué de los fake news? Y al tratar de responder debemos apuntar a que se debe a intereses tendenciosos, bien o malsanos.

Si se quiere destruir una reputación dentro del campo que sea, los más fácil es recurrir a este instrumento de moda. Si se pretende ensalzar una personalidad, producto o especie cualquiera, bueno, luego echamos mano de esta práctica en boga.

En Venezuela, este tipo de informaciones aparecen mayoritariamente, pero sin exclusividad en el ámbito político, atribuyéndoles a los laboratorios secretos o manos peludas ésta sociopatía nacional.

Los más conocedores son sensatos y recomiendan verificar la noticia antes de propalarla, más recientemente ha aparecido a nivel de WhatsApp la cuenta “Cazadores de Fake News” la cual se ha ocupado de identificar y neutralizar mediante pruebas serias acerca de la realidad de los hechos compartidos en los medios de comunicación.

Quiera prive la racionalidad y seriedad en todos nosotros, ya que, de no ser así, seguiremos hablando de Fakes News.
Autor: Miguel Angel Moreno Villarroel

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